“Come for the reality dating, stay for Lindsay Lohan’s perfect narration and all the early 2000s nostalgia you need”

“Mean Girls 3 is coming out?!” we hear you cry…well no, not exactly. The UK’s latest hit reality dating show Lovestruck High hit Amazon Prime last week and has already seen it trending nationwide. The premise is unique, in that it follows UK singles to a fake American high school setting for a chance at finding love. Narrated by Lindsay Lohan and championing LGBTQ+ couples, the show has been making headlines since it aired last week.

In a plot twist bigger than that of episode 3 (stream here) one of our very own Goodstuffers has joined the cast in this week’s episode. Yes, Beth Stamford may be a member of the media folk now, but she spent last Summer at a high school in Devon shooting the series. We thought we’d give you the BTS scoop on the show and how Beth found herself on Out of Home ads all over the country.

Hey Beth! What’s your role at Goodstuff, when you’re not being a TV star?

I’ve been at Goodstuff for just under a year. I work on the Digital team as a Digital Manager.

When did you film the show/how did you get involved?

I was approached via Instagram dm’s and, hilariously, I got the call that they wanted me on the show and the call to say I had got the job at Goodstuff within the same week. The show was filmed over 6 weeks last summer and I joined halfway through, hence why you’ll see me from the fourth episode and onwards.

What makes Lovestruck High different from other dating reality shows?

Actually, when I was initially approached, I was slightly wary of the concept. I felt like there were a lot of dating shows out there and it’s a fairly saturated industry. What changed my mind and made me consider going through the audition process was the refreshing way the show was intending to approach LGBTQ+ candidates. Lovestruck High has such an organically diverse cast from sexuality, to background and culture. Half the people on the show are straight and the others were part of LGBTQ+ community, everyone could be on the show, it champions normality.

How would you rate the experience?

Overall, I enjoyed the experience 😊 It definitely pushed me outside my comfort zone but as does anything that involves a new environment/people, especially joining as a latecomer. I’m thrilled that I got to be a part of Prime Video’s first LGBTQ+ dating show and feel like it really sets the standard for the well-needed inclusively of other shows going forward.

You can stream all episodes of Lovestruck High here.